What Happens to a Franchise Agreement When a Franchisee Files Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy can provide businesses a fresh start.

When a franchisee files bankruptcy for her business, all her business assets become part of a "bankruptcy estate." That includes the franchise agreement, which may be her most valuable asset. Filing bankruptcy prevents the franchisor from taking back the contract until the franchisee emerges from bankruptcy. It doesn't guarantee the franchisee can keep the franchise.

Chapter 7

  1. Filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidates the franchisee's business. In Chapter 7, the court appoints a trustee to oversee the bankruptcy estate. The trustee disposes of the franchisee's business assets to settle the company's debts, paying off all creditors equally. In many Chapter 7 franchise cases, the franchisee's business is encumbered by loans and worthless, so the trustee terminates the contract. The franchisee loses the business, but bankruptcy wipes out any debts he owes the franchisor.

Chapter 11

  1. When a franchisee files a Chapter 11 "reorganization" bankruptcy, she asks the court to let her wipe out some of her business debts while paying off others. When reorganization ends, she emerges with a lower business debt load, provided the judge agrees she can "assume" -- continue -- the franchise agreement despite the bankruptcy. U.S. Bankruptcy Court treats active franchise agreements as a form of executory contract -- a contract where both parties still have obligations to perform and failure to perform them constitutes a breach of contract.


  1. To assume the contract, the franchisee must prove to the judge this represents sound business judgment, based on the best interest of the debtors, the creditors and the bankruptcy estate. Whether the franchisor wants to continue the contract is not a factor. While Chapter 11 allows business owners to wipe out many of their debts and obligations, a franchisor must assume the complete franchise agreement. Even if there are terms or payments he'd prefer to escape, he cannot do so and still keep the agreement.


  1. One obstacle to assuming a contract is non-monetary defaults. If the franchisee has defaulted in ways that don't involve cash payments -- temporarily closing the business when the contract states she must run it continuously, for example -- the franchisor can ask that she pay to settle the default before assuming the contract. If the default hasn't been fixed, the franchisee must fix the default as soon as she assumes the contract — for example, by reopening the business.

A graduate of Oberlin College, Fraser Sherman began writing in 1981. Since then he's researched and written newspaper and magazine stories on city government, court cases, business, real estate and finance, the uses of new technologies and film history. Sherman has worked for more than a decade as a newspaper reporter, and his magazine articles have been published in "Newsweek," "Air & Space," "Backpacker" and "Boys' Life." Sherman is also the author of three film reference books, with a fourth currently under way.