A touch of greatness book pdf

Are You Ready to Have More Wealth , Happiness and Success ?
…Then Perhaps You Need to Know About…


The Greatest Success Secrets of All Time

You Are About To Discover A Potent SUCCESS METHOD Used By A Select Few To Live a DREAM LIFE Filled With Everything They Could Ever Desire… Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, Socially and Financially.


Dear Fellow Success Seeker,

What do you want more than anything in life?

More money? A bigger home? Better health? A new car? Self-confidence? Power? Influence? Love?

Whatever it is that you desire, I’m here to tell you that not only can you have just about everything you want, but you can easily and quickly start attracting these things into your life …right now.

Whether you believe it or not, the fact is you’ve been blessed with an inner power so astonishing and mighty , that once you learn how to harness and use it properly — you can have the kind of life where miracles abound and dreams become reality.

And you can tap into this vast reservoir of unlimited potential and possibility, just as easily as you can learn to drive a car, ride a bike or plant a seed.

Success is an ‘Inside’ Job

Now, you may have heard promises like this before, but let me assure you that what I am about to tell you is capable of creating profound and miraculous changes in your life… regardless of who you are or what your situation is.

I not only guarantee it, but I’ve got the proof — as you’ll soon see — to verify everything I’m saying.

Whether you seek positive change in your finances , relationships , or personal well-being — you can have it all and more — once you discover the REAL SECRETS of success; the secrets no one else seems to be talking about…

FACT: Your thoughts control your life.
But YOU control your thoughts.

If you’ve been a student of Positive Thinking and the Law of Attraction for as long as I have, then you already know that nothing begins without a thought.

Your thoughts — and the energy and emotions you put behind them — are the building blocks to all success.

Unfortunately, what most Positive Thinking and Law of Attraction systems and books don’t tell you is that your thoughts — and the way you ‘feel’ about them — are only small pieces to the success puzzle.

In fact, if you use Positive Thinking and the Law of Attraction the wrong way (which most people do anyway) — you could inadvertently sabotage yourself and end up going nowhere — or worse.

The bottom line is this: In order for your desires to begin appearing in your life right now — on the physical plane — you need to learn how to effectively use Nature’s Greatest Law (and no — It’s NOT the Law of Attraction or Positive Thinking)…

My name is Ivan Zitek, speaker, author, and health and wellness coach for over 30 years.

As you probably guessed, I’m no stranger to self-help improvement field. In the over 30 years I’ve been in business, I’ve had the privilege of knowing some incredibly wealthy and influential people.

I can tell you from experience that it doesn’t take exceptional talent or brains to become rich and successful beyond your wildest dreams. In fact, being “too smart” can actually work against you when it comes to being successful and amassing a great fortune.

Instead, what I found is that rich and successful people THINK and DO certain things which virtually GUARANTEES their success.

And here’s the great newsANYONE can do these things — EVEN YOU!

When I started to implement a few of these easy and highly potent techniques in my own personal and business life — WOW!

…Results just flowed in.

You Don’t Have To Work Hard to Get Rich;
You Just Have to Do What Works

Ralph Waldo Emerson, the great nineteenth century American essayist and poet wrote:

Wise men know not many things, but useful things.

And wise old Andy Carnegie, multi-millionaire philanthropist, and builder of men (he created 43 millionaires) said:

You don’t need to know many things to succeed and get rich, IF you know the few things that are important.

Now here’s a BIG SECRET

If you want quick and guaranteed results, Positive Thinking and the Law of Attraction is not enough.

Although Positive Thinking and the Law of Attraction can together, in time, revolutionize your life; the results using these methods alone can take a very long time in coming — if they even come at all — as you may have already experienced.

Your present condition was not developed overnight, and these methods often meet with resistance from any limiting beliefs which you may have.

Nature’s Greatest Law Revealed and How You Can Use It To Quickly Get What You Want

Fortunately, there’s a quicker method to achieving the concrete results you seek…


And it’s the SUCCESS METHOD that never fails.

You’ll save yourself a lot of heartaches, disappointments, and especially money, if you learn as early in life as possible — Nature’s changeless law of:

…Nothing for Nothing

Now before you scoff at the apparent simplicity of this law, realize that there has never, ever been an accomplishment, achievement or success — in your life or in the life of anyone else’s — which went against Nature’s Greatest Law.

Many books and products, which are sold by some very marketing-savvy web sites, teach methods and principles which — to be completely honest with you — are NOT what WEALTHY and SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE use to get the results they want.

The fact is, many of these ‘well-meaning’ books, courses and coaching programs, inadvertently try to get you to ‘break nature’s laws‘.

Unfortunately, you can NOT break nature’s laws. If you try, she will break YOU… as she has done so many times in the past to so many people looking for a quick ‘fix’ or easy money.

There is a far greater and more powerful force than Positive Thinking or the Law of Attraction. If you discover it now, it could speed you ahead DRAMATICALLY in your quest for all of life’s richest blessings

So please listen closely — This is one of those simple things rich and successful people know and understand that the average person mistakenly doesn’t seem to be too concerned about. And without it, success won’t happen…period.

All great accomplishments and successes are a result of being in harmony with nature’s greatest law… It’s literally The Greatest Success Secret of All Time .

Yet sadly, most of the Self-Help and Law of Attraction books and products on the market today are woefully deficient in this — the REAL SECRET — to having all the money, power and success you could ever imagine.

You’ll develop more power, physical, mental or any skill, in 30 minutes of practice, than in 20 years of Positive Thinking or using the Law of Attraction alone.

Think about it: No one ever became a champion athlete or master musician in 20 years of positive thinking, visualizing, saying affirmations, or staring at vision boards — UNLESS he or she was also a student of DOING and PRACTICE.

Even the Bible states:

Faith without works is dead.

I have the greatest respect for Positive Thinking, Affirmations, Auto Suggestion, Meditation, Self-Hypnosis, the Law of Attraction and other self-improvement aids. I highly recommend them and use many of these methods myself.

All of them help. But let’s face it; sometimes, for whatever reason, they don’t seem to deliver the results we need.

Perhaps you know what I’m talking about?

These methods may give us the inspiration and hope we need to feel better for the moment, but for real , measurable and GUARANTEED results — we need something with a bit more TEETH and FIREPOWER .

By far, the fastest and surest method of all — so far discovered — is a method used by a select few to create a DREAM LIFE filled with riches and abundance.

It’s the SUCCESS METHOD used throughout history by some of the richest and most successful people who ever lived…

Billionaire Sir Richard Branson swears by it and credits it as one of the secrets to his success.

Henry Ford used this method and demanded that all of his executives do the same.

And in 1910, industrialist Charles Schwab loved it so much, he gladly paid $25,000 for just a small fraction of the method (approximately half a million dollars in today’s terms).

What is this powerful, life-changing method?

It’s the method fully explained in a little-known, classic, self-help masterpiece called…

A Touch of Greatness

by Frank Tibolt

“A Touch of Greatness” will show you step-by-step how to work with Nature’s Greatest Law so can accomplish whatever you desire in life. It’s REALLY the Missing Link You’ve Been Waiting For!

And what I’ve found is that if you use “A Touch of Greatness” together with any other of your favorite Positive Thinking, Law of Attraction books or other self-improvement systems (take your pick, it doesn’t matter)

…Your desires will start appearing in your life as if by magic!

But I have to warn you: The principles and techniques discussed in this book could DRAMATICALLY change your entire life. But if you’re the kind of person who expects results just from mere reading, then this book is not for you. This is a book for people who are actually willing to put into practice what they learn. And if you are willing to do that — there will be no stopping you. You WILL get results….and FAST!

More than a mere “touch”, this book cradles, nurtures, prods, holds and where necessary, shoves the reader ever closer to the greatness each of us possesses. “A Touch of Greatness” has made its way onto my Top Ten reading list. Make it your priority today!

Frank McKinney
Real estate ‘Rock Czar’ & two time international best selling author

“A Touch of Greatness” is a keeper! It’s a gem of a book that can help you become monstrously successful now.”

Mark Victor Hansen
Speaker and co-author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul”

“A Touch of Greatness” can help change your life, I suggest you take time to read it today.

Cindy Cashman
Author, CindyCashman.com

“If you’re determined to unleash your greatness, then “A Touch of Greatness” is a must read to help accelerate the process! Get it, read it, and enjoy it!”

Mike Litman
Author of the bestseller “Conversations with Millionaires: What Millionaires Do to Get Rich, That You Never Learned About in School”

“A Touch of Greatness” will inspire you into living your life with passion, purpose and love. Buy it, read it and watch your life soar.”

John Assaraf
Author, speaker, entrepreneur and co-star of the hit movie “The Secret”

And now, as a result of a special arrangement with Ivan Zitek (the copyright owner of this Wizard’s Manual), I’m thrilled to announce that we’re now able to offer you a digital version of this amazing, life-changing book at an incredibly fair price.

It’s available for immediate download so you could literally start revitalizing and improving your life in the next few minutes!

How exciting is that?

A Touch of Greatness

by Frank Tibolt



Who is Frank Tibolt?

Frank Tibolt was, without a doubt, a master motivator. He was an author and success trainer who — in my opinion and in the opinion of thousands of his students — wrote a true self-help masterpiece.


For over 50 years, Frank taught his proven SUCCESS METHOD in seminars, classes and through correspondence courses to over 40,000 people from all walks of life.

When Frank Tibolt passed away in 1989 (at the ripe old age of 92), he possessed a huge collection of glowing testimonials.

A Touch of Greatness” is Frank Tibolts’ 12-Lesson Proven Success Program. It’s the same system he used to teach his students how to live a more abundant and prosperous life.

All I can say is, the book is beyond impressive and you’d be missing a great big opportunity if you didn’t allow yourself to at least give it a shot.

There’s no doubt in my mind that this gem will one day be considered one of the greatest books on personal achievement ever written. It’s our mission to help bring back this classic system …to YOU …and the rest of the world.

“It has been said that true genius is the ability to recognize the profound truth amidst the plethora of useless facts. “A Touch of Greatness” is a book that, despite the utter simplicity of the premises within, exposes and illuminates truth: the real truth behind what it takes to become successful. To become “great”. I found myself saying, “I know this already” upon reading “A Touch of Greatness”. That was the easy part…

The challenge was to admit that I wasn’t applying what I knew. The serendipitous bonuses came in the many truths I was unaware of. Truth delivered in simple quotes; some of which changed the way I ran my business immediately and increased my profits as a result. Others which inspired me to take actions in my personal life to achieve greater happiness. I began to earmark all the pages I highlighted.

Upon re-reading, I found that I highlighted 90% of the things I already knew but simply was not doing. The other 10%? — hidden gold. All of this from a book based on two simple success principles that have stood the test of time! I highly recommend “A Touch of Greatness” to anyone who is humble enough to learn from simplicity and willing to put that knowledge into action. Do this, and you too can achieve a touch of greatness.”

— Jon Benson, Creator, “Fit Over 40” www.fitover40.com

“To help others, don’t share your riches with them. Help them discover their own. That’s the noblest thing one human can do for another.”

…Spoken by Frank Tibolt, the author of “A Touch of Greatness”.

But if it weren’t for the efforts of Ivan Zitek, those sage words may have been lost. Some years ago, Ivan purchased the rights to several of Frank Tibolt’s self-publishing works…including “A Touch of Greatness” (which is now available in its third printing).

“A Touch of Greatness” is one of the most powerful, life-changing, self-improvement motivators I have ever read. It just doesn’t contain pithy statements to make you think. In each of its 12 lessons, you learn physical applications that can make it work for you …ways to really make yourself rich …quickly and effectively master new skills …generate new ideas …mix easily with strangers …gain complete & absolute mastery of yourself, your future and your fortune.

As a matter of fact, in Lesson 1, you learn a lesson that Charles Schwab paid $25,000 to learn …a simple lesson that, all by itself, can increase your business success ten-fold.

“A Touch of Greatness” is one of the 3 books I am requiring my grandkids to read. It is truly the foundation upon which you can build your life and your fortune.”

— J.F. (Jim) Straw, legendary mail-order and direct marketing businessman

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In this FREE sample, you’ll learn what Charles Schwab paid $25,000 for in 1910. This one technique (out of the HUNDREDS in the book) could give you the insight and understanding you need to make powerful and lasting changes in your life!

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