Sample Tattoo Release Waiver

This article details a Sample Tattoo Release Form for reference purposes.

by PainfulPleasures Last Updated: May 13, 2021

This is a sample consent form (waiver and release form) for tattoos. Please consult with local counsel before distributing to clients as laws may vary by state and local jurisdictions. Scroll to the bottom of the page to download the Consent to Tattoo Procedure Template


Appointment Date:_________________________________
Birth Date:________________________________________
Driver’s ID:________________________________________
Phone #:__________________________________________

I acknowledge by signing this agreement that I have been given the full opportunity to ask any and all questions which I might have about the obtaining of a tattoo and that all of my questions have been answered to my full satisfaction. I specifically acknowledge I have been advised of the facts and matters set forth below and I agree as follows:

Therefore, I request the Tattooist tattoo my _______________. I understand this type of tattoo usually takes _________________ or longer to heal. I hereby release and forever discharge and hold harmless __________________, the Tattooist and all affiliates, Owners, Managers and Employees from any and all claims, damages or legal actions arising from or connected in any way with my tattoo, or the procedure and conduct used in my performing my tattoo, to the fullest extent allowed by the law.

By signing below, I, _______________ , or their legal guardian, agree that I have read the Tattoo release form provided by ________________ and agree to its terms.

Download the template: Consent Form for Tattoos.