How To Transfer Property From An LLC To An Individual

How To Transfer Property From An LLC To An Individual

Real estate investment can be a lucrative endeavor. Many real estate investors initially choose to hold their investment property under a Limited Liability Company (LLC) due to the benefits of personal liability protection it offers.

But what happens when you want to take that property out of the LLC? How can you transfer it smoothly to an individual? And importantly, what are the tax implications of such a move?

Let’s delve into these questions to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the process.

What’s the simplest way to transfer title from an LLC to an individual?

There are 2 main types of deeds involved with changing ownership in real property: (1) a grant deed, which is used to give and transfer property between individuals and (2) a quitclaim deed, which is used to renounce ownership in a property to which an individual holds a legal claim.

A couple of common examples are that grant deeds are filed when a home is purchased to transfer ownership from seller to buyer. Quitclaim deeds are commonly filed during divorce, when one party renounces their ownership in an existing property as part of the divorce settlement.

So, if title is already held by both the individual and the LLC, the most straightforward method is to use a quitclaim deed so that the LLC can renounce, or “quit”, their ownership in the property. The “quit claim deed LLC to individual” process means that the LLC is essentially renouncing its ownership and gifting the ownership claim entirely to the individual. Unlike other types of deeds, the quitclaim deed doesn’t guarantee that the property title is free and clear. It only transfers whatever interest the LLC has in the property.

Alternatively, if the individual is not already on title to the property, then the LLC can file a grant deed to give the property over to the individual. This can be done both as a traditional sale, in which there is consideration (money) exchanged for the purchase. Alternatively, the grant deed can be filed without consideration, meaning that no money changes hands and no price is paid. In this case, title is essentially gifted from the LLC to the individual..

Expert Tip from JVM Lending: Always consult with a title company or a legal expert when drafting a deed from LLC to an individual. This ensures the correct language and details are in place.

Are there tax consequences to consider?

Yes, the transfer of property will likely come with tax implications. The question of “transfer property from LLC to individual tax consequences” is a commonly raised concern.

When property transfers from an LLC to an individual, it’s deemed as a sale. This means the LLC might be liable to pay taxes on any gains realized from the transfer. The gain is calculated based on the property’s current market value against its cost basis (the cost of acquisition plus any improvements). These gains can be subject to federal and state income taxes.

Moreover, the state or local jurisdiction where the property is located will likely impose a transfer tax and recording fees. These are typically minimized or eliminated if title is gifted without consideration from the LLC to the individual.

Note: Making these title changes while refinancing a mortgage on the property generally results in the refinanced mortgage amount being counted as the consideration. Therefore, transfer taxes are imposed based on the mortgage amount.

Is it always about the quitclaim or grant deed?

Not necessarily. While the quitclaim and grant deeds are the most popular, there are many other specialty deeds that are offshoots of these 2 fundamental types. Some examples are warranty or executor’s or administrator’s deeds which guarantee that the LLC holds a clear title to the property. The choice of deed depends on the agreement between the parties and the level of assurance they need.

But whether it’s a quitclaim or grant deed from LLC to individual or another type of deed, it’s crucial to ensure the document correctly describes the property and both parties.

How can I ensure the smooth transferring of the property?

A title company will play an essential role in transferring title. They conduct title searches to ensure that there are no liens or encumbrances on the property, provide title insurance, and facilitate the signing and recording of the transfer deed from LLC to individual.

Alternatively, lawyers can draft deeds on behalf of their clients and offer the same services as title companies.

Ultimately, after being drafted and reviewed, the deed must be notarized and recorded by the clerk’s office in the county in which the property is located.

Expert Tip from JVM Lending: Ensure all LLC members are on board with the decision and have signed the deed. This is particularly vital for multi-member LLCs.

Why would someone want to transfer property out of an LLC?

There could be several reasons. Some individuals may have formed an LLC initially to shield themselves from personal liability but later find other methods of achieving that protection. In other cases, the move might be financially motivated, or due to changes in the investment strategy.

Can I avoid tax implications entirely?

Tax laws vary based on where the property is located, and there could be specific exemptions or reductions in place. Always consult with a tax professional who can guide you on potential tax benefits and strategies specific to your situation.