Change of Grade Request FAQ

The Change of Grade Request tool (COG) is a webform to submit grade-change requests for individual students or as a batch with an excel template file. The tool is easy to use, but questions do come up.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for requests to be processed?

Note: Submitters will not be notified directly when their requests are processed.

I just submitted a grade change but the student's grade has not changed. Why?

Change-of-grade requests are not immediately changed in the Student Database. Please refer to the above question for details.

Is this webform secure?

Because grade-change requests contain FERPA-protected student information, the utmost care is taken to ensure the information is secure. The system has been reviewed by a UW information security officer and deemed safe for use.

What fields do I need in order to upload a spreadsheet?

All necessary fields are provided in the excel template which is available from the online Change of Grade Request Form webpage.

I'm getting an error when uploading/submitting the webform. How do I fix it?

The information automatically generated by the webform is incorrect. How can I correct it?

Where does the list of course prefixes come from?

Course prefixes are retrieved from the UW’s Student Web Services (SWS) initiative. Campus developers are encouraged to use SWS data in their web applications, which includes information about campuses, courses, sections, and even students.
Student Web Services