HESI Practice Test

The Health Educations System, Inc. Admissions Assessment, commonly referred to as the HESI A2 is also known as the Evolve Reach Admission Assessment. Students need to take and pass this screening to pass to gain admission into nursing schools and into many other healthcare occupations programs. While the HESI A2 test is only one component in your application package, you will need to pass it to be accepted into your desired health profession program.

Each school administering the test can set the time allotted for students. Most schools require that students complete the test within 4 hours, although some schools extend the time limit to 5 hours, while other schools eliminate the time limit altogether. The HESI A2 exam contains 339 questions in three academic sections and one learner profile section, although some nursing and other health science programs may not require you to take every section. Fees differ by school but range from $40-$100. Some schools may also charge a proctoring fee to administer the test.

Did you know?

The HESI A2 Test has nine sections in three academic sections and one learner profile. The academic sections are: (1) English language, (2) math, and (3) science. Each school sets its own passing score for the exam, with most requiring at least a 75%-80% in each section to be considered for admission. To excel on the test, you will need to read the instructions carefully and work quickly through the sections.

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HESI A2 Test Question Types

The HESI A2 is a multiple-choice test. The test is divided into 9 sections, covering three academic areas and a learner profile section. The HESI A2 does not have an official time limit. The time listed in the table below, however, are recommendations. Please be sure to check with the school you are applying to for actual time limits.

PartNo. of QuestionsTime AllowedTime per Question
English Language
Reading comprehension55*60 minutes65 seconds
Vocabulary and general knowledge 55*50 minutes54 seconds
Grammar 55*50 minutes54 seconds
Basic math skills55*50 minutes54 seconds
Biology30*25 minutes50 seconds
Chemistry30*25 minutes50 seconds
Anatomy and physiology30*25 minutes50 seconds
Physics30*50 minutes100 seconds
Learner Profile
Learning style1415 minutes64 seconds
Personality profile1515 minutes60 seconds

*Five of these questions are pilot questions and are not included in your score

English Language

The English language portion of the exam is divided into three separate sections, measuring your proficiency in English.

Reading Comprehension

The test measures your ability to understand information that you have read. You will be presented with a passage to read and be asked to identify the main idea, define words, answer questions that demonstrate your understanding of the passage, make logical inferences, and more.

Winning Tip for Reading Comprehension

Read through the passage and the questions carefully. You will frequently be faced with two answers that are both plausible or partially correct. In most instances, you are being tasked with selecting the best answer, rather than an answer which is acceptable.

HESI A2 Test Overview Quote

Vocabulary and General Knowledge

In this section, you will demonstrate your proficiency in vocabulary. The test includes terms that are used in general, English-speaking settings as well as in healthcare fields.

Winning Tip for Vocabulary and General Knowledge

Many people tend to think that they can’t improve their vocabulary. However, this is an area where you can improve your skill set by studying new words and understanding common health-care-related prefixes and suffixes.


You will identify parts of speech, important terms and their uses, and common grammatical errors, and answer other grammar questions.

Winning Tip for Grammar

If you haven’t taken an English class in a while, take time to study the basic rules of sentence structure. This section is easy to overlook, especially with some of the science sections, but grammar is just as important as chemistry and biology to help you get into your healthcare program.

Basic Math Skills

There is only one section in the basic math skills section. The focus of the test is on math that is used in healthcare fields. You will need to display proficiency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions, household measurements, and general math facts.

Winning Tip for Basic Math

You don’t always need to work out the answer. Oftentimes you can simply eliminate some of the multiple-choice answers to find the correct response.


The science section is divided into three parts, allowing you to demonstrate your knowledge in these areas.

Winning Tip for Science Questions

There are no tricks in these questions. You either know the answer or you don’t. Your best tip is to find a textbook to study. Additionally, use online tutorials, like those offered by iPrep, which will review the essentials for you.


This section covers biology basics including water, biological molecules, metabolism, cells, cellular respiration, and photosynthesis.


In this section you’ll be asked questions that cover topics like matter, chemical equations and reactions, the periodic table, atomic structure, nuclear chemistry, and chemical bonding.

Anatomy and Physiology

You’ll be asked questions on general terminology, anatomical structures, and systems.


This section, which is considered experimental and given primarily to students attending radiology other imaging programs, covers laws of physics, wave classification, energy, currents and voltage, motion, optics, static electricity, and gravitation.

HESI A2 Question Types 1

Learner Profile

This section of the test offers insight into the way you learn and the impact your personality has on the way you learn new subjects.

Learning Style

The questions assess your preferred learning style, which can be used by schools to ensure that your learning style matches the school’s teaching style.

Personality Profile

You’ll be asked questions to help the school assess your personality, which will help determine whether you are a good fit for their program.

HESI A2 Test Preparation Strategies

If you are intending to go to nursing or other healthcare programs, it’s vital that you prepare for the test. HESI offers a review manual, which includes a pre-test to help you assess your strengths and weaknesses, and a post-test, which shows how prepared you are.

The review manual will walk you through topics and questions you can expect to find on the test.

In addition to the review guide, there are other steps you can take to give yourself the edge you need when competing against other candidates.

Schedule Plenty of Time for Studying

To do well on the academic portions of the test, you will need to have a vast amount of knowledge. If it has been a few years since you say in a classroom, you will need to spend a considerable amount of time getting back up to speed, which will help you brush up on subjects that you may have forgotten and give you the confidence to succeed.

We have found that most applicants need a minimum of one month to prepare for the test, with many of them requiring 2-3 months of study to prepare themselves to take the HESI A2.

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses and Build a Study Plan

Before you throw yourself into studying, take a practice test like the one offered by iPrep. This will help guide your studies, as a poor score in any subject could derail your plans. Based on the results of your practice exam, you should know whether you need to spend more time studying chemistry, practicing your grammar, or brushing up on math skills.

Create a study plan that emphasizes improving in areas of weakness, but be sure not to neglect areas where you feel stronger. It’s important to continue to study those subjects as well, to refresh your memory and sharpen those skills before the test.

HESI A2 Preparation Strategies

Find a Test Preparation Course that Meets Your Needs

You need an online test prep course that can guide you through all the different sections of the HESI A2 test, rather than looking for different courses that focus on English, math, and science. Check reviews to make sure that the course you choose has been beneficial to other test takers. While looking for the right course, keep the following in mind:

  1. Don’t settle for a generic nursing or health course. Find a course that uses the same format as the HESI A2, which will help familiarize you with the test before you sit down, and make it easier for you to focus on test day.
  2. The course should focus on areas of study on which you will be tested. There’s no sense in taking a course that includes the study of geology when your focus needs to be on chemistry, biology, anatomy, and physiology.
  3. Sign up for courses that have recent user reviews and customer support. There are plenty of prep courses that merely collect practice tests from other websites, and offer you study guides that are out of date.
  4. Look for an online course or book that was published by a familiar author.
Practice Answering Multiple Choice Questions

This might seem like a waste of time to someone who is trying to provide the right answer, but the reality is there are some techniques that can help you improve your score on multiple-choice tests. As all the questions in the HESI A2 are multiple-choice, this cannot be overstated.

The key is to learn methods of elimination and how to make educated guesses for many types of problems, as well as to learn time-saving techniques when solving numerical problems. Find a guide that teaches these tips and tricks.

As part of iPrep’s tutorials, we include these techniques in our courses, giving you tips and time-saving techniques for these questions.

Practice Timed Simulations

While not every practice run needs to be timed, as you get closer to the test date it will become increasingly important to simulate the actual test experience. The more opportunities you have to run through a simulation, the more comfortable you’ll be on test day, and the more likely you will be to work effectively within the short time frame you have to complete each section.

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Test Features

The Health Educations System, Inc. allows individual healthcare programs to set some of their own policies. For example, while most programs require one valid ID, Miami Dade College requires two picture IDs. While the information below is accurate under most circumstances, students should review their school’s policies before registering for the HESI A2 exam.

HESI A2 Fast Facts (tl;dr)